Friday, February 12, 2010

Metaphysical Principles of Winning

You often hear people say, "Life isn't fair".  Without realizing it, they are placing themselves in the position of Them v. Life, which creates a patern of thinking negatively.  They are waiting for bad things to happen to confirm their belief.  These souls will never win at life, unless they expand their minds and change their beliefs.

It is true that we are naturally drawn to winners.  It inspires us to be creative and it makes us feel good, but inspiration, just like motivation, only lasts so long and eventually fades.  Surrounding ourselves with winners helps to keep us continuously motivated so that we are inspired to act upon those feelings.  When we feed the Higher Mind, it expands and allows thoughts and creativity to flow and inspires action.

When we make mistakes and consciously learn from them it automatically drives us to get back up on that horse and move forward.  When we continue to do that and we achieve our goals, life shows us our abilities and I believe, our true selves.

It is interesting to me that many believe in God, or the like, but do not believe in themselves.  They are either forgetting or not realizing how inter-connected the two are.  They believe they are winning when God is smiling down on them.  Winning is our true nature, what we are meant to do and it is the higher power within us that shines through.

I believe that I have learned that an important part of winning in life is being aware of our thoughts and actions and how they relate to the events in our lives.  We've all had times when things are going great and everything we touch turns to gold and the opposite is true as well.  When one thing goes wrong, everything seems to go wrong.  We must be aware of our thoughts and actions during these times because it is our Higher Mind trying to tell us something.  Maybe it's time to stop and listen.

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