Thursday, December 31, 2009

Need Help With Your New Year's Resolutions/Goals?

Do you love them or hate them?  I'm talking about New Year's Resolutions.  The time that we close the door on one year and open a window on the next to new experiences.

If you're like me, I always look forward to a new year.  Sort of wiping the slate clean and starting fresh.  A time to set some new goals for myself and helping others do the same.  Although most fail at following through with their resolutions, a new year provides a powerful jumping off point for some.  Especially for those who have a difficult time knowing where or how to begin making the changes they want.

That's where I come in.  I live to help people transform and empower their lives.  To show people HOW to do that and providing the tools to help.  I am a cheerleader for change!

Do you have a plan for yourself?  Whether it's the beginning of a new year or not, it's never too late improve or change your life, to live as you were meant to and deserve to.  Maybe a Life Coach can help.  A personal trainer for your life.  Have you ever thought of hiring a Life Coach?  The benefits are endless really.

Coaching has been proven to work when the client is willing to grow and when there is an obvious gap between where the client is and where he or she wants to be.  With a coach the client will:


Ultimately, all of us do what we want to do under any circumstance. To find out what you really want for yourself is our first task. I help you to distinguish between what you coulda, shoulda, oughta and have to do to get where you want to go. Once you understand and create your ideal goal, you are much more likely to take action to reach it.

Having it all means having a balanced life. And in doing so, it often means that we must be selfish. I will work with you to help assist you in a plan that will get your needs met by establishing a personal foundation.


Money. We have to have it. Chances are you know that you can make more money. I will work with you to assist you in ways to look at advancing your income, pay off old bills, set up a financial plan, and help design a strategy for you to earn more from your professional efforts in the future.


When anyone has a partner they trust, they will always reach for more because they can afford to. Having a partner also makes you accountable to someone other than yourself which helps to provide motivation.


Every single client of mine is smart. Yet, they still use me. Why, because everyone can use a sounding board, share ideas with someone who understands them and is subjective enough to want a lot for them. Just in talking about your options with someone who can listen and often provide valuable feedback helps issues to become crystal clear. You will always get honest, constructive views.


When you are happy, productive and free from tolerations and problems, you are always going to feel better!
So, what do you think?  Maybe you don't need a Life Coach.  Why not take a Life Evaluator Assessment and find out for yourself.  Can't hurt, right?
Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best for 2010.  Now, go dream big!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How To Make Your Dreams Come True

Now, I must admit this is not going to be as deep as the title suggests, but simply an example of how anyone is capable of manifesting the things they want in life.  This example is something that happened to me last weekend.

My husband and I had just gone to bed and I said "I would love to go out for a wonderful breakfast and have something rich, like eggs benny."  Now this statement has meaning because my husband and I started following the weight watchers program about six months ago, so needless to say this wish was big.

By the way, collectively, we have lost 80 lbs and to tell you the truth, it wasn't really that hard.  That's another subject, but I wanted to give you an idea of how much that "wish" meant to me.  I had no intention of going out for that kind of breakfast the next morning, but my husband was there with me in that thought.  Shortly afterwards I fell asleep and that was the end of it.  Or was it?

The next day we had to travel to another city for business reasons and on the way back my husband suggested we stop for lunch.  Sure, why not I say.  Well, we walked into the restaurant and right there in front of me on a big white boad was the special that day.  Want to guess what it was?  Eggs Benny!!  While looking at the menu, my husband said, "Have the eggs benny.  It's want you wanted."  True.

Needless to say I ordered it, ate it and never once did I regret it.    Really, I had placed my order the night before.  Simply put, I asked for something and the Universe delivered.

You're probably thinking to yourself big deal, it's just a coincidence.  But that's what coincidences are.  They are wishes we put out there into the Universe that are answered.  The key is recognizing it.

Everyday we send out requests or wishes but not the intention of being open to receiving them.  We ignore the signs all around us while waiting for the big slap in the face.  You don't need the slap in the face because those are usually the "big holes" we need to dig ourselves out of.  Those are the people that keep ignoring the little signs and wake up only when it's staring them in the face.

Next time you "wish" for something in your head or out loud, be aware of the possibilities around you because if you really look, you will see them everywhere.  Maybe not on a white board, but they're there.

Life Coach Line

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Are You Looking For Success In Your Life?

In the book, The Nature of Success" there are 28 principles of success presented in unforgettable nuggets of inspiration. Enjoy these great stories and quotes that will help you set clearly defined goals, manage your attitude and make a difference whenever and wherever you can.

Click the link below to watch the 3 minute movie, "The Nature of Success" to inspire you, your family or team to reach for success personally and professionally.

Life Coach Line

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What Am I?

I am your constant companion.
I am your greatest asset or heaviest burden.
I will push you up to success or down to disappointment.
I am at your command.
Half the things you do might just as well be turned over to me,
For I can do them quickly, correctly, and profitably.
I am easily managed, just be firm with me.
Those who are great, I have made great.
Those who are failures, I have made failures.
I am not a machine, though I work with the precision of a
machine and the intelligence of a person.
You can run me for profit, or you can run me for ruin.
Show me how you want it done. Educate me. Train me.
Lead me. Reward me.
And I will then…do it automatically.
I am your servant.
Who am I?
I am a habit.

Take the time to develop good ones that will serve you well.

With Passion,
Life Coach Line

Monday, September 28, 2009

Creating Meaningful Family Time

If you think you don't have enough family time, remember that creating time is a choice. Sometimes it is easier to see our time when it is mapped out. So using a large wall calendar with all of your obligations and appointments listed on it could go a long way in identifying where you need to cut back and where you can create that family time. This is also useful in teaching your children about organization for themselves.

For now, start with these six tips:

1. Discover the power of 15 minutes. You can find at least 15 minutes in your day to spend with your family. It might be cuddle time with your children, time to read to them, talk about their day, take a walk with your partner or do some baking together. It's important to be fully present during that time to really make it count.

2. Have a weekly family night. Each week schedule a family night for one hour or the entire evening. Start with less time if you need to and build up. One family member selects what the family will do or everyone write their idea on a slip of paper and keep them in a jar to choose from for the following week so there are no arguments about the activity. You may pick dinner out, rent a movie or go out to a movie, play a game, go for a walk or shopping. It really doesn’t matter as long as you all do it together and you don't break the date. This is just as important as your other obligations.

3. Plan a monthly 24-hour Reconnect Day. Plan one day a month where you do no work. You don’t think or talk about work. Absolutely nothing work related. If you spend a lot of time on your cell phone, Blackberry or email, take a break from it for that one day. Simply spend the day with your family. You don’t have to do anything special, just be together and experience being a family. Reconnect days are appointments you never break. You'll be amazed at how the benefits of this time together will spill over into other things, such as improved behaviour.

4. Share positive aspects. At dinner time, or any together time, share things you appreciate about each family member. Tell the others what you appreciate. Be focused on what is working and what is good about each person. Really feel how much you appreciate them and how joyful you are for who they are. This is a great way to feel connected, appreciated, and to amp up your energy and love.

5. Lunch and Listen. Make a lunch date with your partner or your kids or both and grab a bite together. Catch up, and really tune in deeply and listen with your heart to what they have to say, even if it is negative. Children have thoughts they need to get off their chests as well. Focus on them and on hearing them and learning more about them. Listen with an open mind and be mindful not to attach your emotions or beliefs to what they are telling you. You’ll feel closer.

6. Make family a priority. If it were your last day on earth, what would you do? Be with your loved ones? Plan to be with your family and plan your time. Ask yourself, “What am I missing?” or ask your children what they need more of from you. Then add that to the list.

Make your family a first priority because it will be the best investment you ever make.

With Passion,
Life Coach Line

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dreams Are Gifts

Here is a great poem I came across that really lays it out for us in a neat and simple package. Enjoy!

We have a dream inside ourselves,
A gift to us at birth,
To guide us and protect us,
On our journey on this earth.

We all have something special,
Each one of us unique.
You have to find the courage,
to find the peace you seek.

So dream your dream,
And live your dream,
Don’t be afraid to try.

Just take your soul by the hand
And let your spirit fly.

With Passion,

Life Coach Line

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Hello! Let me introduce myself and say how excited I am to be able to share some information and inspiration to many people through this blog, New Horizons. Now the title of this post is 'What is Life Coaching?' so let's get to it!
I like to say that having a Life Coach is like having a personal trainer for your life. We have many people in our lives for different things, but many never think to hire someone to help them navigate and learn from the challenges they are faced with daily.
Coaches support, motivate and guide people to take action, to move forward, to be more, do more and have more. Desire for something is not enough. We all have desires, but do we all act on them? Sadly, not often, if at all.
Life Coaching is a rapidly growing method for helping people improve, develop, grow, achieve personal success and effectively manage life's challenges. It is extremely effective for all areas and situations in life, because the common denominator is You! They can help you discover your own value and your limitless potential in achieving the life you want rather than settling for a life you don't want.
Most coaching is done over the phone, which is a great benefit for those that are shy and/or pressed for time as well as convenient because of the flexibility it provides. Some clients prefer face-to-face sessions, however either way is equally effective.
What comes next? Well, we connect, either in person or over the phone and have a focused conversation that is designed to support you and I do this by asking you powerful questions to help clarify whatever it is you are seeking guidance with. Some clients are very specific on the areas they'd like to work on and others are not sure. Only that they want something different for themselves and in that case I use questions to help you brainstorm so that we can clarify what exactly is holding you back.
During our sessions together, I will not judge you or tell you what I think you should do. I am not the expect of your life - you are. You are in charge of your goals and the actions you are willing to take towards your goal, which means that you are responsible for the outcome. My role in the coaching relationship is empower you, guide you and support the choices you make.
Now it's not all serious business though. It's also a lot of fun, because it's a relaxed conversation with no agenda other than helping you towards being the best you can be.
Life Coaching has been around for many years, but it wasn't necessarily called 'coaching' and now it is slowly making it's way into mainstream society. At the same time I find it difficult to explain to some what exactly coaching is and how it's done so I encourage people to contact me and book their own no-cost, no-obligation consultation to find out for themselves what coaching is and how it can benefit not only them, but everyone interested in living their best life.
I can be reached by email at or call me direct at 250-756-0811.
Call me - I'm waiting!