Lessons in life have taught me to consciously look beyond our physical forms from a superficial stand point and look deeper to what we truly are – energy. Each person is made up of energy which, in essence, makes us all the same from a 'function' perspective. It is only our physical form, our experiences and our names that separate us.
I see now how extremely important our conscious and subconscious thoughts are and how much of an impact these thoughts have in all aspects of our lives around the world. Our spiritual mind is 'the' universal language. This language does not provide barriers in understanding. We underestimate the powerful magnetism we possess within our minds. It reminds me of that saying, “Be careful what you wish for”. When something happens to us we tend to look at it as some external source that bestowed upon us rather than our connection to a God Power. We do not usually see or acknowledge the role we play in the manifestations in our lives.
Learning how the conscious and the subconscious minds actually work makes it easier to understand why and how certain things in life come to be. For instance, we cannot be superficially positive in our conscious thinking without the subconscious working on the same level. That is to say that we cannot say one thing and do another. When subconscious thought patterns emerge we must be conscious of it and refuse to accept it as true. New thought patterns in our subconscious mind must be created with the help of the conscious mind.
We are a 'quick fix' society and most expect results now. Thought patterns in the subconscious mind are established over many years so it makes sense that it takes time to establish new ones. These thoughts patterns are so entrenched that we react to everyday events and people without even having to think about it. They have become second nature so to speak.
I have always known and realized just how possible it is to change and that realization is very enlightening, comforting and freeing. We must step out of the fog and be more conscious and aware of how we project our energy to the world and that the way we project this energy determines the quality of our lives. Remember.....thoughts become things.