Do you love them or hate them? I'm talking about New Year's Resolutions. The time that we close the door on one year and open a window on the next to new experiences.
If you're like me, I always look forward to a new year. Sort of wiping the slate clean and starting fresh. A time to set some new goals for myself and helping others do the same. Although most fail at following through with their resolutions, a new year provides a powerful jumping off point for some. Especially for those who have a difficult time knowing where or how to begin making the changes they want.
That's where I come in. I live to help people transform and empower their lives. To show people HOW to do that and providing the tools to help. I am a cheerleader for change!
Do you have a plan for yourself? Whether it's the beginning of a new year or not, it's never too late improve or change your life, to live as you were meant to and deserve to. Maybe a Life Coach can help. A personal trainer for your life. Have you ever thought of hiring a Life Coach? The benefits are endless really.
Coaching has been proven to work when the client is willing to grow and when there is an obvious gap between where the client is and where he or she wants to be. With a coach the client will:
Ultimately, all of us do what we want to do under any circumstance. To find out what you really want for yourself is our first task. I help you to distinguish between what you coulda, shoulda, oughta and have to do to get where you want to go. Once you understand and create your ideal goal, you are much more likely to take action to reach it.
Having it all means having a balanced life. And in doing so, it often means that we must be selfish. I will work with you to help assist you in a plan that will get your needs met by establishing a personal foundation.
Money. We have to have it. Chances are you know that you can make more money. I will work with you to assist you in ways to look at advancing your income, pay off old bills, set up a financial plan, and help design a strategy for you to earn more from your professional efforts in the future.
When anyone has a partner they trust, they will always reach for more because they can afford to. Having a partner also makes you accountable to someone other than yourself which helps to provide motivation.
Every single client of mine is smart. Yet, they still use me. Why, because everyone can use a sounding board, share ideas with someone who understands them and is subjective enough to want a lot for them. Just in talking about your options with someone who can listen and often provide valuable feedback helps issues to become crystal clear. You will always get honest, constructive views.
When you are happy, productive and free from tolerations and problems, you are always going to feel better!
So, what do you think? Maybe you don't need a Life Coach. Why not take a Life Evaluator Assessment and find out for yourself. Can't hurt, right?
Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best for 2010. Now, go dream big!